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limited time offer
GET THE digital pattern organizer for $9 $4.50
Hurry Before Time Runs Out!
No Printer? No Problem.
Grab the digital quilt pattern organizer for 50% off!
Never double-buy or lose a pattern again with the digital version of the quilt pattern organizer!
Hurry – this offer expires in 20 minutes!
Regularly $9
Does this sound like you?
You’ve purchased the same quilt pattern twice. (oops!)
You can never find the quilt pattern that you want to use.
You can’t get a handle on quilt pattern organization no matter how hard you try.
With this spreadsheet you’ll be able to:
- Keep all of your patterns organized in one place.
- Write down important information like difficulty level, size options, if its precut friendly and where you store the pattern.
- Insert links to the pattern and relevant tutorials.
- Search the spreadsheet so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.
- See what patterns you already own while you’re on the go.
What you’ll get:

- PDF instruction sheet on how to copy the Google Sheets spreadsheet to your own Google account
- Instructions on how to use the spreadsheet and how to search the spreadsheet
- Quilt Pattern Organizer tab
Please Note:
This is a digital product delivered via Google Sheets. Nothing will ship.
You will need a Google account to access this product.
All digital products are non-refundable.
Frequently Asked Questions:
You’re just one step away
Are you ready to get organized?
Never lose or double-buy a quilt pattern again! Get the digital quilt pattern organizer 50% off for the next 20 minutes!