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limited time offer

GET THE digital pattern organizer for $9 $4.50

Hurry Before Time Runs Out!


No Printer? No Problem.

Grab the digital quilt pattern organizer for 50% off!

Never double-buy or lose a pattern again with the digital version of the quilt pattern organizer!

Hurry – this offer expires in 20 minutes!

Regularly $9

Does this sound like you?

You’ve purchased the same quilt pattern twice. (oops!)

You can never find the quilt pattern that you want to use.

You can’t get a handle on quilt pattern organization no matter how hard you try.

With this spreadsheet you’ll be able to:

  • Keep all of your patterns organized in one place.
  • Write down important information like difficulty level, size options, if its precut friendly and where you store the pattern.
  • Insert links to the pattern and relevant tutorials.
  • Search the spreadsheet so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.
  • See what patterns you already own while you’re on the go.

What you’ll get:

  • PDF instruction sheet on how to copy the Google Sheets spreadsheet to your own Google account
  • Instructions on how to use the spreadsheet and how to search the spreadsheet
  • Quilt Pattern Organizer tab

Please Note:
This is a digital product delivered via Google Sheets. Nothing will ship.
You will need a Google account to access this product.
All digital products are non-refundable.

Frequently Asked Questions:

You will receive an email immediately after purchase with the download link.

Additionally, you can download the spreadsheet directly from the sales confirmation page after purchase. There is no expiration, so you can download the spreadsheet as many times as you want.

Upon purchase, you’ll receive instructions on how to access and use the spreadsheet. You will need a Google account to access the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet is intuitive and very simple to use but if you run into any issues, feel free to email me at [email protected].

No, but I do have a printable version of this spreadsheet. You can get the printable version here.

Due to the digital nature of this product, I cannot offer refunds. If you have questions or concerns please contact me at [email protected].

No. Each person who accesses the spreadsheet must purchase directly through me. You can make as many personal copies as you wish, but you cannot share those copies with others.

You’re just one step away

Are you ready to get organized?

Never lose or double-buy a quilt pattern again! Get the digital quilt pattern organizer 50% off for the next 20 minutes!
